Omega Green Energy is marketing parabolic systems with fix focus of various sizes. The team of OGE is having experience and knowledge of installing various Steam Generating systems for more than 10 years. It has various applications like cooking, heating, air- conditioning, process heat, producing steam, heating of thermal fluid for various applications, pressurized hot water and many more. We have the latest and state of the art technology and machinery, which makes our systems more efficient and long lasting.
The manufacturing plant is inspected and certified by Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). Our design and manufacturing of the Solar Thermal systems are according to MNRE Specifications.
The advantage of using solar energy instead of fossil base sources is the prevention of CO2 emission and in medium / long term cost savings compared to rapidly rising cost for conventional energy-fuels.
Solar cooking is an area which has been getting attention but perhaps requires more focus. India has been a pioneer in using solar concentrating technologies for the purpose of steam generation, direct cooking and dish cookers for various applications.
Ministry would like to cover at least all Jails, institutions including large institutions like Educational Institutes and Universities, MDM Schemes, State and District Jails, Hostels, Hotels, Canteens, Hospitals/Medical Colleges, Military/Para-Military Establishments, Industrial Organizations, Religious organizations and all other wherever large number of meals is cooked. Essentially, these will reduce the consumption of cooking gas or fire wood, subsidy burden on Government to great extent.
Contact us for details and place order:
Skype: omegadirect